Who is Doctor James Rybacki?
Dr. Rybacki is the President of the Medicine Information Institute, Lead clinical consultant, and creator/host of the Essential Guide to Medical News. He is also the author of the best-selling book – Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs, plus he regularly talks about medicines for you and your family as well as a multitude of E-books.
Dr. Jim is a multifaceted medical professional, author, speaker, and thought leader. He has been widely interviewed because Rybacki knows medicines. As a genuine personality with TV, radio, industrial, print, and other broadcast experience. He is a nationally known medical consultant for topics such as:
- Pharmacy Operations Consulting
- Adherence & Compliance Consulting
- Current Medicine Therapeutics Consulting
- Interim Director Consulting
- Chief Pharmacy Officer Consulting
- Health System Director of Pharmacy Consulting
- Hospital Pharmacy Assessment Consulting
He is making new video-on-demand content that discusses the need-to-know information for a patient or doctor recommendations for essential prescription drugs.

About Doctor James Rybacki
Doctor James Rybacki is located in the State of Florida but he is recognized worldwide as a host, originator, video talent, radio talent, and editor of the Essential Guide To Prescription Drugs publication series. He has been the host of The nationally syndicated Pharmacist Minute radio programs.
Dr. Jim is a member of the National Advisory Council for Mended Hearts International. He has served our community with distinction as a former member of the Professional Education Committee of the American Heart Association and a former member of the Maryland Governor’s task force on Osteoporosis.
Dr. Jim Rybacki is active in the AACE national consumer education campaign which is the state of type 2 diabetes complications in America. Plus, he was an early associate, lecturer, and activist for Get With the Guidelines of the American Heart Association.
Doctor Jame Rybacki has authored more than 16 books and many articles. Read more at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/jamesrybacki
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Amazon 5-Star Review for the author – Doctor James Rybacki
“Great overview by one of the prominent pharmacologists of our time right on target for the patient and a great resource for the prescribing physician” John Rumberger MD