
When you or a loved one have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, LIFE CHANGES —you are now a PATIENT. You’re juggling prescription medicines and medical tests while worrying about drug safety, side effects, costs, FDA recalls, and potentially harmful drug interactions while taking care of your family or if things have progressed, while our family is taking care of you.

Did you know that more than 100,000 people die EVERY YEAR from misusing medicines or from the medicines themselves? It’s a startling fact. I’ll try to help you navigate through the conflicting medical news, the latest cancer treatments, stroke and heart attack recovery options, and the essential, yet ever-changing the world of prescription drugs! Almost every day the FDA requires yet another label change on a widely used medicine. See the most recent Rybacki’s recommendation blog post about heartburn medicines called proton pump inhibitors.


I’m Dr. James Rybacki, and I’ve written Medicines and Your Family and more than a decade of editions of The Essential Guide to Medical News and The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs to help keep you and your family safe! To make things simpler, I have a new Amazon author page where you can see electronic versions of my books, find out about upcoming radio and TV interviews, and much more. You don’t even need a Kindle…just download the free reader. Click here:

Remember–the best colleague any doctor can have is a more fully informed patient and family. Stand up, and take control of your health, and put the best medicines to work. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, and nurse if you are concerned about possible side effects, and ask what the treatment benefits should be and when you might expect to see them. Always understand the balance of benefits and risks. Take care of yourself!

James J. Rybacki, Pharm.D.

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