Live a better life by getting breaking and breakthrough medical news and by understanding the essentials of prescription drugs

Doctor Jim Rybacki is the host and creator of the Essential Guide to Medical News as well as the author and editor of The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs


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Doctor Jim Rybacki – Author of The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs

Jim Rybacki - Medical keynote event speaker

About Doctor Jim Rybacki

Dr. Jim is glad that you’re here

The Medicine Information Institute will be broadening the content of The Essential Guide to Prescription Drugs with new videos, interviews, and webinars under The Essential Guide to Medical News title, and organized within the 15 channels of Health Information we’ve created.

Every month, Doctor Jim Rybacki will give a Feature Video that will relate to important Health Recognition Days, offering breaking news, and important aspects of population health. To help you navigate more easily, there is a new toolbar at the top of every page to make things easier.

We will also be inviting key thought leaders to share their opinions on top developments in their respective fields, breakthrough treatments, and even what they think the future will bring. Some of these videos and webinars will be Videos on Demand and if you like, you can access even broader content with a monthly subscription.

If you want a more timely awareness of what’s coming next and even more about new products—join our new email list to be right on that information cutting edge of the promising medicine and health pipeline. 

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